
Since 1985, Guardianship Services of  Seattle (GSS) has provided a wide variety of fiduciary and care management services. GSS is:
A Washington Chartered Trust Company
A Certified Professional Guardian Agency‍‍

Our mission is to provide fiduciary and personal services to the highest applicable standard of care. Our team includes financial management, care management, property management and administrative professionals drawing on over thirty years of experience and relationships built within the communities we serve.

To learn more about our services, please contact us at 206-284-6225.


What We Offer

A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one party, the trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary.
GSS serves as the executor of probate estates in a variety of circumstances, with the goal to complete the transfer of assets to heirs or other beneficiaries, in a timely and prudent manner, assuring that all legal requirements are met.
Powers of Attorney are a tool by which a person who is competent, voluntarily designates another to act in his/her place, generally empowered to manage financial matters or to ensure that the individual’s preferences for medical treatment are respected in the event of incapacity.
GSS care management staff work with individuals and families to identify and resolve problems in living. Examples include identifying residential alternatives, obtaining clinical assessment, preparing plans of care, budgeting personal funds, arranging for care givers and other specialized services.
Guardianship is a legal relationship established by the court in which a person or instituition is given legal authority over another when they are unable to make safe and sound decisions regarding his or her person, or property. Legal guardianships commonly involve minor children, but may also be ordered for developmentally disabled or incapacitated adults.